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Posts Tagged ‘Therapeutic Touch’

Energy Healing

Thursday, April 15th, 2010

Energy healing is an ancient form of healing art.  There are many forms and disciplines.  Doris uses Reiki, Quantum Touch and Therapeutic Touch, along with some special touch learned in the Native American Community.  She has spent many years learning and applying these tools.

Reiki is much more than just a healing art.  It is a way of spiritual evolution.  In Reiki, we are taught that it is light and we are light becoming.  When we ask to be a channel for the highest divine light, energy flows through us to provide healing for those we are working on, as well as the world.  It is also possible to do absentee Reiki, which provides healing energy for those that are long distances from you.  It is a hands-on healing technique rediscovered by a man name Master Mikao Usui.  It is believed as we progress in spiritual development we are called to Reiki practice.  Doris is a Master practitioner in this healing technique.

Quantum Touch utilizes various breathing techniques, body awareness meditations and hand positions to achieve healing.  It is a very easy technique to learn and greatly increases the efficiency of other healing modalities.  In the words of Andrew Weil, M.D., “the best kind of medicine is the gentlest treatment that produces the maximum healing response.”  That quote speaks to quantum touch, which Doris is trained with.

Trained in the Delores Kreiger Therapeutic Touch method, Doris combines that with acupressure techniques to move energy through the meridians of the body.  Clients can easily be taught to do acupressure on their own and learn a method that will work for all of their life.  Thus the therapy has long time effects.

Doris has also been trained by and continues to work with Dr. Lewis Mehl-Madrona in Cherokee Bodywork, which is the oldest energy healing system available to date.  The form of energy healing includes breathing techniques as a means of restoring spirit to all body parts as well as acupressure, energy meridians, crystals, and energy medicines.

These methods are not intended to replace proper medical care, but may be a very positive adjunct.

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