Topsi Enterprises
Topsi Enterprises


Over the past thirty years I have studied and worked with Cherokee Body Work. I have a deep respect for the Cherokee Nation and their knowledge of health and healing. I have felt privileged to learn some of these tools. It is also my great privilege to teach some of them. Dr. Lewis Mehl-Madronna and others have been great teachers and role models for me. Having had great teachers and role models, it is my desire to pass on what I have learned.

Cherokee Body Work is learned experientially. There is not a lot written about it. It is traditionally passed on in oral tradition. The material for this class is a combination of Doris Kruse, Dr. Mehl-Madronna, the Garretts and many others from thirty years of interactions.

The philosophy of Cherokee Body Work includes storytelling, herbal medicine, and hands on healing using breathing techniques, sounds and vision. This workshop is for all healers, both western medicine and alternative. It is a set of skills that have stood the test of time. The Cherokee nation is one of the oldest in North America.

The material for this class, written by Doris Kruse comes from thirty years of working with Native American people and being a therapist for over forty years. The Cherokee Body Work method takes time to learn and requires a great deal of practice. It is also very effective and often works when other methods do not.

Doris is a practitioner of Cherokee Body Work and it is used daily in her practice in Franktown. In daily practice we learn the ins and outs of a method.

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Topsie Enterprises