Topsi Enterprises
Topsi Enterprises

Healing Intensive

What is Healing Intensive?

This is a workshop based upon the thirty years I have worked in the Energy Medicine field.

Material is taken from some of my experiences from forty years as a therapist but mostly from my experience working with Native American healers and energy workers. In the workshop I will share material that I have permission from Native healers to share. I come to this workshop after a long period of time in which I have witnessed participated in and facilitated many miraculous healing events. It is my belief the material and the experience needs to be shared.

During this one day workshop we will learn about Cherokee Body Work, Storytelling, Shapeshifting.

We will be learning and experiencing using these techniques, so the workshop is experiential in nature.

It is my hope through this class to honor all of the teachers I have had and pass on the learning.

I invite you to join us.

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Topsient Enterrpises
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Topsie Enterprises