Topsi Enterprises
Topsi Enterprises


For many years I have taught Native American Studies and Cherokee Body Work.  I have often taught the Cherokee Body Work as three levels over six days.   The Intensive creates that material in a condensed and higher intensity format as a three-day learning experience.

 it will include the material from all three levels as well as experiential practice using the techniques and information from the class.

We will spend time learning storytelling, sound, vibration, herbal treatments, ceremony, Cherokee osteopathy, as well as many other experiences.

The class includes a book, written by Doris Kruse, so you can continue to practice and use the tools you learn after the class is over.  For more information look at the three levels described on the blog pages of my website

Hope to see you at the Cherokee Body Work Intensive.


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Topsient Enterrpises
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Topsie Enterprises