Topsi Enterprises
Topsi Enterprises

Reiki and Cherokee Body Work Drumming

The history of the use of drumming in energy work is ancient.  Drumming was often used in some of the Native American Tribes to reset heart rates or to restart the heart.  Drumming is so effective in any type of body work.  Drumming reminds our body of its ideal vibration rate which is in harmony with the pulse of the earth.  Reiki combined with the rhythm of the drum helps identify and remove energy blockages. Reduces stress and can improve focus, clarity memory and encourage creativity. 

Reiki drumming is a purifying process.  Many research projects have been dedicated to learning the effects if sound and drumming on the human body, mind and spirit.  Drumming has been shown to generate dynamic neural connections in the brain.

See Reiki drumming on U Tube for a demonstration.

The class covers both Reiki and CBW drumming and the use of sound in treatment.  We will learn to use the drum and will practice together.  There will be time to use Reiki and CBW with the drumming and to evaluate its effectiveness.

We will attempt to reach harmonic resonance which happens when all drummers in a group synchronize the sound.

This is a fun class and a great opportunity to expand your energy work skill.

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Topsie Enterprises