Topsi Enterprises
Topsi Enterprises

House of Healing

My book I have been working on for so long has been published and is available on Amazon.
It has taken a very long time, almost nine years, due to the personal nature of part of it. As I have been previewing it, I realized it helped me so much with my grief process. It also helped me grow as a professional and seriously increased my empathy for all people’s grief.

I believe the book is timely, both in mental health and the world right now. We must do a better job of caring for those people in our society with serious issues. From the mentally ill to the elderly and the disabled. America has always been a country of caring people; we need to step up now and make a difference in our world.
The pleasure of writing the book is it helped me review an important part of my son’s life and remember how special he was. It called on me as a professional, now doing alternative medicine, to more clearly focus on my work with everyone.

I am so happy it has been published and hope you will enjoy reading it.
Feel free to let me know what you think.

~ Doris

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