Topsi Enterprises
Topsi Enterprises

Writing A Book

Almost nine years ago I started writing a book. It has been an adventure and a long learning experience.

The book is now finished and is ready to be published in the next two weeks. Many of you have known I was working on this and been very supportive of the effort. I am very appreciative of all the support and comments. Writing it has honed my writing skill and increased my knowledge in several areas and it helped me with my own grief. It has also given me an opportunity to express my thoughts about our mental health system. After almost fifty years of working in some form of our behavioral health system in America, I am concerned we have not done more for the mentally ill population in our country. There are some suggestions offered in the book.

For the next few weeks, I will provide some excerpts from the book here and the book will be available on this website. I am looking forward to starting a second book soon. This one will not be as emotionally difficult to write so should not take so long.

Thank you for your interest in this website and in the new book. The title is “House of Healing. “

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